Burq Off!, an autobiographical one-woman show written and performed by Nadia P. Manzoor, is a jaunty tour through madly opposing worlds. The glowing promise of modern London versus the glum realities of a conservative Pakistani Muslim home are punctuated by fierce Bollywood dance moves and at least one blackout drinking incident.
Embodying 21 different characters – a domineering father, soulful mum, saucy English friend and Islamic studies teachers whose interests range from slapping to pornography – Nadia illuminates her conflicted sense of identity while questioning repressive cultural norms. Moving, funny, deeply personal and yet universal, Burq Off! explores what it takes to evolve past the veil.
Moral Courage TV Episode: The true story of my life as a brown girl in Britain.
DETROIT, MI - March 2015
NEW YORK, NY - January 2015
Thank you @masalamommas and @NadiaPManzoor for an empowering show. You inspired me to come home and start writing my story. #burqoff — Nisa (@anisa_t) March 20, 2015
In #Burqoff @NadiaPManzoor makes the audience feel emotions she felt growing up in 2 cultures. Here’s my interview http://t.co/TI6tyhtwol — AnjumChoudhry Nayyar (@masalamommas) March 22, 2015
Poignant, funny, fearless. Well done @NadiaPManzoor! Thank you for your story #Burqoff.
— Cindy Phan (@besidealife) March 22, 2015
#burqoff with @NadiaPManzoor was amazing!
— ✨natasha✨ (@greasecorps) March 21, 2015
Whoa! A journey of #diaspora & #identity!!! Powerful. Courageous. #MustSee. #BurqOff #Toronto Thanks @NadiaPManzoor pic.twitter.com/evweR0XduI
— Dirk J. Rodricks (@dirkusmalorkus) March 21, 2015
A unique, intense and funny one-woman show last night put on by @NadiaPManzoor. Check it out if you’re in #Toronto. #Burqoff
— Sheba (@ShebaSid) March 20, 2015
@Umbereene @FusiaMag Loved #BurqOff what amazing talent and powerful story! Too funny and too telling to miss. Catch it this week!
— Meera Estrada (@MeeraEstrada) March 20, 2015
@NadiaPManzoor very talented and captivating performance. Thanks for telling our story
— Swatie Maharaj (@swatily) March 20, 2015
I’ve never been so deeply affected by a show before & I still don’t have the words for it… Thank you so much @NadiaPManzoor for #BurqOff
— Ani, not Annie. (@AniNotAnnie) March 20, 2015